Report from Labakoreh – Graduation Ceremony 2023

We happily received a message, pictures and videos from a graduation ceremony of our school. Heartwarming and joyfull. Our best wishes to all of you, especially for the graduates.
The Head Mistress Fatu wrote to Monika:
The graduation ceremony at our school in Labakoreh was held on July 20, 2023. For the first time in the history of the school, the Alkalo, guests and parents were invited. The Alkalo (mayor) briefly summarized the history of the school. The children recited poems, speeches were made and blessings and words of thanks were said.
After that, as the principal, I presented the awards, supported by my guests of honor. The teacher Mrs. Awa Jarju, sang a farewell song to the graduates.
Then finally the certificates were given to the graduates.
The teachers, the children and also the parents were very happy about this ceremony which was the first of its kind in Labakoreh village. In the end, the ceremony was perceived by everyone as very successful and joyful.
It was really a great day for me. I was very happy to see the smiles on the faces of the children and their parents.
Head Mistress