Update 2014
On March 31st two members and three friends of our society started their annual trip to The Gambia to inform about the progress of our projects there. The main focus was on the quality development of our Nursery School, of …
On March 31st two members and three friends of our society started their annual trip to The Gambia to inform about the progress of our projects there. The main focus was on the quality development of our Nursery School, of …
Am 31. März starteten zwei Mitglieder und drei Freunde des Vereins zu unserem alljährlichen Besuch nach Gambia, um sich über den Fortgang unserer Projekte dort zu informieren. Dabei lag der Schwerpunkt natürlich auf der Qualitätsentwicklung in unserer Nursery School. Gleich …
This spring six members of our association, twelve sponsors and sympathizers went to The Gambia. For quite a lot of them it was the first trip to the black continent and therefore full of new impressions and deeply moving, emotional …
At 30th April 2012 six sponsors, each of them with 40 kg baggage (medicine, first-aid kit, shoes, clothes, toys etc. and one wheel chair), started their journey to The Gambia, where they arrived at 10 p.m. after a physically demanding …
In March 1997 the nursery school teacher Monika Thomsen went on a trip to The Gambia. She enjoyed the sun,walking along the beaches and relaxing but she also was interested in the way of life of the Gambian people outside …
And so you can help us: 1. You can sponsor a child. That means you donate 0.15 Euro (15 Cent) per day, i.e. 54,75 Euro per year or 15 Euro per month or donate a sum you choose per month. …
This way you can help us to help the children in The Gambia Read more »
Update: 2005 Like every year our association presented itself at the “Geese Market Days” in Bützow. The result: ten new godparents were found. Thanks to the sponsors the children in Labakoreh can attend school for free this year, too. Also …
A big handful of updates about our work for and in Gambia from 2005 to 2011 Read more »
In May 1999 two members of the Interest Group went to The Gambia. Their task was to find a place where a nursery school could be built. After a long search and lengthy negotiations with mayors in different villages they …
Unser zweiter Vorsitzender reiste im Mai 2004 mit fünf Gambiafreunden, die an unserer Arbeit sehr interessiert sind, für 14 Tage nach Gambia. Zu erledigen waren in erster Linie technische Arbeiten, wie z.B. die Reparatur der Wasserpumpe, Her-stellung und Aufstellung von …
Der Verein präsentierte sich bei den Gänsemarkttagen in Bützow. Ergebnis: 10 Patenschaften wurden von Sponsoren übernommen. Dank der Sponsoren können die Kinder in Labakoreh die Schule auch weiterhin kostenlos besuchen. 3 Vereinsmitglieder und 1 Pate besuchten auch in diesem Jahr …