Update 2022 · English Version

A Report Like A Diary
22-03-28, 09:09 Uhr
Monika wrote from Gambia:
„Hello, my watch is set to 6:30 … With three other comrades-in-arms we arrived in Gambia on Wednesday after an exhausting journey. Friday we were warmly welcomed in our school by the children and teachers. As always, there was great joy about the sweets for all the children and the staff. First we informed ourselves about the work and the daily lessons of the children. Yesterday we visited the sponsor families. …“

22-04-01, 07:07 Uhr
„The crowning glory after one of the most beautiful beach festival with our 114 children and 18 adults ever.“

22-04-11, 11:29 Uhr
„Three more meters, then it’s done: We have made another family happy.
According to the well builder, it is seven meters to the water. Really hard work.“

22-04-22, 07:50 Uhr
„Good morning, here the clock is at 5:30. Tomorrow the somewhat exhausting time comes to an end. Ramadan has made work a bit difficult for us. Nevertheless, we can look back on success. After almost three weeks of stay, we finally received the appropriate papers for the new project „Garden land“ and immediately began to build wells.
The well builder and his two employees really got to work. The water in the two wells came to six meters. A lot of work is coming up before we finish the women’s project in the village. The fence around the 50 by 60 meter land, a building and a toilet still need to be built. I hope that by the rainy season the conditions for the first planting will be in place.
A great experience for the future school children was the excursion to the stadium, nursery and crocodile pool. The crowning glory: swimming in the pool of our hotel!“

22-04-22, 08:13 Uhr
„The children were able to romp around and will remember this wonderful time for a long time. A wonderful day for all of us.
Several sponsored families were visited and supplied with rice, oil and onions. In some cases sick children were taken to the hospital for medical care. The donated medicines were handed over there. All activities here are connected with a lot of time, because the streets are closed with cars, you can not imagine. Only a few centimeters separate the cars from each other, everything goes with honking, giving signs also sometimes swearing, and so one pushes forward meter by meter.
On Sunday, Malve and I return after all in all a nice time, with many new impressions. Here are some photographs more.“